Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Plimoth Plantation, Wampanoag, Mayflower, and Plymouth Rock Virtual Walking Tours for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is here and there is no better time than to visit some of the most famous locations celebrating the Pilgrims and Native Americans (Wampanoag tribe) than now. There are several virtual walking tours that bring the history of the Mayflower landing at Plymouth Rock and the events that transpired leading up to the first Thanksgiving that you can easily access via YouTube.  Here is some of the best virtual waking tours to further increase your knowledge of the holiday and even feel as if you've been transported in time to December 16, 2020, when 13-year-old Mary Chilton departed the Mayflower and became the first Pilgrim to step foot at Plymouth Rock.

Plimoth Plantation Walkthrough

Plimoth Plantation Virtual Field Trip by Scholastic

Allodic Ventures: Plymouth Rock Walking Tour

Saltyhead Adventures: Plymouth Rock and the Mayflower Walking Tour

Susan Evans Plimoth Plantation Tour

Walks in Camera: Rotherhithe Wander Mayflower Walk from London

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